About us

Founded 1994, partner-owned and an active investor, asset manager, and advisor with a strong platform of financial services.

>70bn SEK
under management
offices in i Stockholm, Gothenburg, Malmö & Uppsala

Focus on value creation since 1994

Coeli was founded 1994 and is entrusted with managing +70 billion SEK for High Net Worth individuals, entrepreneurs, Family Offices, companies, and large institutions.

We invest and manage capital across asset classes within equities, bonds, and hedge funds in addition to investing directly in Real Estate and Private Equity structures.

A partner for value creation

With an established partnership model, we attract top performing portfolio managers and investment teams and ensure that they are driven by substantial long-term value creation. Our extensive team and platform ensure that our interests are aligned with those of our investors and partners for lasting impact.

Through our investment company, we enable investments alongside our clients in primary and direct investments with the potential of generating 3-5 times invested capital within 3-5 years.

Our mission

Deliver strong returns across our clients’ portfolios

Our goal is to deliver strong returns over time and outperform the market through active management and diversification across several different competitive investment classes and strategies.

Making successful investments accessible to everyone

We have offered our clients investments in Private Equity since 2006 and Real Estate since 2016, opportunities which are usually only accessible to large institutions. We continue to make private investments available with continued product development and risk management and by sourcing new unique investment opportunities.

Offer an attractive platform for entrepreneurs

We create value for entrepreneurs and through our financial and operational platfor – through asset management, custody management, end-to-end solutions, investment teams seeking to start new funds or Private Equity structures in which we want to invest.

Share innovation, development, knowledge and insights

We share knowledge and spark dialogues that contribute to innovation through transparency in our investor communication, active participation and engagement in the media, as well as events at which we connect investors, companies and industry colleagues.

Atlas Coeli

Our name Coeli

Coeli’s name derives from the “Atlas Coeli” – the historic star chart famous for its degree of detail and accuracy in mapping the starry sky. This map and its precision reflect our own efforts to always apply a similar level of accuracy and long-term thinking.

In every aspect of our business, we strive to achieve the same degree of precision and approach for which Atlas Coeli is so renowned. This mindset shapes the way we approach investments, risk management and customer relations.

Please indicate whether you are a private or institutional investor.

Coeli may, pursuant to law, market one or multiple funds in several jurisdictions. By choosing an option in the list below, you confirm that you belong to one of these.

Den sammanfattande riskindikatorn ger en vägledning om risknivån för denna produkt jämfört med andra produkter. Den visar hur troligt det är att produkten kommer att sjunka i värde på grund av marknadsutvecklingen. Indikatorn speglar framför allt upp- och nedgångar i de aktier fonden placerat i. Denna produkt innehåller inte något skydd mot framtida marknadsresultat. Du kan därför förlora hela eller delar av din investering. Förutom de risker som ingår i riskindikatorn kan andra risker påverka fondens resultat. Se fondens fondbestämmelse för mer information.

Morningstars fondbetyg (rating) är ett mått som går att använda för att se hur fonderna har presterat historiskt. Fonden får ett högre betyg om den har haft en bra avkastning i förhållande till fondens risknivå. En fond måste ha funnits i minst 3 år för att få ett totalt betyg. Har fonden funnits längre än 5 och 10 år får dessutom betyg för dessa tidsperioder. Morningstars hållbarhetsbetyg är ett mått på de ekonomiskt väsentliga riskerna inom miljö, socialt och ägarfrågor (ESG) i en portfölj relativt till liknande konkurrerande portföljer. Hållbarhetsbetyget beräknas för fonder, förvaltningsuppdrag och index globalt, med hjälp av Morningstars databas med portföljinnehav.