
Small Companies with Big Significance

With the Circulus funds, you invest directly in innovative micro- and small-cap companies, each playing a vital role in achieving the global goals for sustainable development. By joining us, you become part of one of the most significant movements of our time, where financial wealth and planetary health go hand in hand.


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The Reason We Started Circulus

The world is facing unprecedented challenges, from climate change to resource depletion, and the need for action has never been more urgent. To overcome these challenges, we need innovative solutions—and investors who are willing to think and act differently. With over 40 years of combined experience in asset management, we’ve traveled the globe to meet companies working on the most critical global issues.

We’ve also taken part in numerous industry coalitions, striving to drive change through the financial markets. While it’s true that many companies aren’t doing enough, one key lesson we’ve learned over the years is that we, as an investor collective, aren’t doing enough either. We need to think bigger. We need to act differently. While there are leading examples of sustainable investing, we believe that in general, the focus on impact is still lacking—particularly in listed equities.

Investing in Our Strategy

  • Circulus is a unique impact strategy that invests in the world’s largest purchase order.
  • Your money is invested in companies that make a real difference. Additionally, as fund managers, we work to help these companies grow and make an even greater impact.
  • As a team, we have over two decades of experience working with micro- and small-cap companies around the world. We are aided by a unique AI model and an experienced advisory board.

Making a Difference

Too often, sustainable investing is seen as a form of risk management or a response to investor preferences, rather than a means of driving real, positive change.

That’s why we launched Circulus, an impact strategy focused on investing in micro- and small-cap companies that provide solutions to global challenges, where together, we can truly make a difference.

We founded Circulus to show that real impact is not exclusive to private markets. By identifying companies that are addressing global challenges and helping them grow, we believe we can unlock the greatest long-term value. It’s not just about avoiding the sacrifice of returns—it's about recognizing that the strongest financial returns come from true impact investing. Real value is created when investments drive meaningful, sustainable change.

The Circulus Team

Christofer Halldin

Christofer has been managing Circulus since its inception in August 2022. Prior to this, he worked as the head of active equity and fixed income management at Handelsbanken Fonder. There, he was instrumental in developing Handelsbanken Fonder into one of Sweden’s most successful equity and fixed income managers during the late 2010s. 

Handelsbanken Fonder had the largest net inflows on the Swedish fund market for several consecutive years during that time. Additionally, Handelsbanken Fonder was named both the Fund Manager of the Year and the Sustainable Fund Manager of the Year by various actors. Prior to being appointed head of active management, Christofer managed various global mandates for several years.

Joakim By

Joakim has been managing Circulus since its inception in August 2022. Prior to this, he worked as a fund manager for Amerika Småbolag Tema at Handelsbanken Fonder. He managed America Small Caps from 2015 and won several awards for the fund’s good returns, which also grew significantly during his tenure as fund manager. 

When Joakim left the fund in early 2022, it had over SEK 20 billion in assets under management. Before managing Amerika Småbolag Tema, he was responsible for managing the broader fund Amerika Tema from 2013-2017 and the global fund Global Tema from 2009-2013 at Handelsbanken Fonder.

Simon Park

Simon has been managing Circulus since its inception in August 2022. Prior to this, he worked as a sustainability analyst at Handelsbanken Fonder. Between 2018 and 2022, he contributed to the development of the fund company’s sustainability efforts, with responsibility for increasing measurability to create value in the investment process. 

In 2021, Simon was named one of “33 under 33: Shaping the Future of Sustainability” by Aktuell Hållbarhet. He also has experience from programs at some of the leading institutions globally in the sustainability field, such as circular economy with the Ellen MacArthur Foundation and climate science at the Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment, University of Oxford.

Hermod Capital x Circulus

Hermod Capital is an independent third-party distribution business, which works in close collaboration and partnership with a limited number of leading and differentiated investment managers. Hermod Capital is a trusted and aligned local partner for investment managers and is committed to delivering excellent long-term returns for clients. For more information:

Henry Francklin
Co-Founder and Director of Hermod Capital

Charles Empson

Co-Founder and Director of Hermod Capital

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Den sammanfattande riskindikatorn ger en vägledning om risknivån för denna produkt jämfört med andra produkter. Den visar hur troligt det är att produkten kommer att sjunka i värde på grund av marknadsutvecklingen. Indikatorn speglar framför allt upp- och nedgångar i de aktier fonden placerat i. Denna produkt innehåller inte något skydd mot framtida marknadsresultat. Du kan därför förlora hela eller delar av din investering. Förutom de risker som ingår i riskindikatorn kan andra risker påverka fondens resultat. Se fondens fondbestämmelse för mer information.

Morningstars fondbetyg (rating) är ett mått som går att använda för att se hur fonderna har presterat historiskt. Fonden får ett högre betyg om den har haft en bra avkastning i förhållande till fondens risknivå. En fond måste ha funnits i minst 3 år för att få ett totalt betyg. Har fonden funnits längre än 5 och 10 år får dessutom betyg för dessa tidsperioder. Morningstars hållbarhetsbetyg är ett mått på de ekonomiskt väsentliga riskerna inom miljö, socialt och ägarfrågor (ESG) i en portfölj relativt till liknande konkurrerande portföljer. Hållbarhetsbetyget beräknas för fonder, förvaltningsuppdrag och index globalt, med hjälp av Morningstars databas med portföljinnehav.