Coeli Circulus

Coeli Circulus is an actively managed equity fund focusing on micro- & small companies that provide unique solutions to the sustainability challenges. The fund provides long-term investments in one of the strongest structural themes worldwide. The fund is classified as Article 9 according to the EU regulation on sustainability-related disclosures in the financial services sector (SFDR).


This is a marketing communication. Before making any final investment decisions, please refer to the prospectus of Coeli SICAV I, its Annual Report, and the KID of the relevant Sub-Fund. Relevant information documents are available in English at A summary of investor rights will be available at performance is not a guarantee of future returns. The price of the investment may go up or down and an investor may not get back the amount originally invested.

Nordic Swan Ecolabel Equity Fund

Coeli Circulus has received the Nordic Swan Ecolabel. The label makes it easier for you as a customer to quickly know that the fund is a good choice from a sustainability point of view.


Coeli Circulus is the first Nordic impact equity fund to be verified by BlueMark.

Bluemark is a leading independent verifier of impact funds and is a subsidiary of Tideline Advisors, LLC, a specialist firm that works with asset managers and capital owners to design and implement impact strategies. More information about BlueMark.

Impact = Making a Real Difference

We have full focus on micro- and small companies where it is easier to build a relationship and work closely with the companies.

We help companies grow by providing capital through new share issues, which is absolutely critical for many smaller companies to be able to scale up their production. We provide advice and technical expertise on sustainability issues and set clear demands on the companies.

Hermod Capital x Circulus

Hermod Capital is an independent third-party distribution business, which works in close collaboration and partnership with a limited number of leading and differentiated investment managers. Hermod Capital is a trusted and aligned local partner for investment managers and is committed to delivering excellent long-term returns for clients. For more information:

Henry Francklin
Co-Founder and Director of Hermod Capital

Charles Empson

Co-Founder and Director of Hermod Capital

The Impact of our Companies

The core of the fund’s Strategic Intent is to help our society reach a sustainable development. We do not come up with our own impact themes, but rather believe it important to stay as close as possible to the common ground that is the SDGs. 

Therefore, we are evaluating the impact our companies are delivering in reference to the SDGs, and in addition, we measure our contribution in terms of how it helps the company achieve either: (i) increased reach of their impact, or (ii) increased quality of their impact.

Circulus Impact Report 2023

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Den sammanfattande riskindikatorn ger en vägledning om risknivån för denna produkt jämfört med andra produkter. Den visar hur troligt det är att produkten kommer att sjunka i värde på grund av marknadsutvecklingen. Indikatorn speglar framför allt upp- och nedgångar i de aktier fonden placerat i. Denna produkt innehåller inte något skydd mot framtida marknadsresultat. Du kan därför förlora hela eller delar av din investering. Förutom de risker som ingår i riskindikatorn kan andra risker påverka fondens resultat. Se fondens fondbestämmelse för mer information.

Morningstars fondbetyg (rating) är ett mått som går att använda för att se hur fonderna har presterat historiskt. Fonden får ett högre betyg om den har haft en bra avkastning i förhållande till fondens risknivå. En fond måste ha funnits i minst 3 år för att få ett totalt betyg. Har fonden funnits längre än 5 och 10 år får dessutom betyg för dessa tidsperioder. Morningstars hållbarhetsbetyg är ett mått på de ekonomiskt väsentliga riskerna inom miljö, socialt och ägarfrågor (ESG) i en portfölj relativt till liknande konkurrerande portföljer. Hållbarhetsbetyget beräknas för fonder, förvaltningsuppdrag och index globalt, med hjälp av Morningstars databas med portföljinnehav.