Portfolio Manager comment Coeli Nordic Investment Grade October 2024

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Nordic Investment Grade (formerly Likviditetsstrategi) advanced by 0.33% during October. Since year-end, the NAV per share has consequently increased by 5.34%. During the past month, the market has adjusted to expectations of a Trump victory in the US election. This, together with strength in the economy, has resulted in rising US market interest rates and the ten-year US government bond yield is now higher than it was at the turn of the year. At the time of writing, a couple of days before the election, the opinion polls are very close and should Harris win the election, the market reaction will likely be greater than if Trump would be elected. That said, risky assets such as equities and corporate bonds have shown decent strength regardless of which way the winds of public opinion have blown.

In Europe, and especially in Sweden, the outlook is darker with weaker growth figures and higher unemployment. This means that pressure has increased on the Riksbank to act with larger and faster interest rate cuts.

Credit spreads have narrowed during the year and are now around their historical average. Most likely, we have the strongest development behind us and the scope for much lower credit spreads is limited. At the same time, a portfolio of corporate bonds still provides a decent all in yield and volatility is expected to remain low thanks to expectations of interest rate cuts. Among the month's biggest positive contributors was Nordea, the report for the third quarter contained, as expected, a reduced net interest income.

Together with good development in net commissions, this was enough to exceed the market's expectations. Overall, the reports for the other Nordic commercial banks have come in relatively strong from a credit perspective, with moderate to non-existent credit losses and continued good capital adequacy.

Credit management company Hoist Finance continued to strengthen after the company presented a quarterly report that showed a markedly improved profit as a result of revenue above forecast and good cost control. During the quarter, Hoist increased investments in non-performing debt portfolios, competition with other buyers was stated to be relatively low, which provides conditions for maintained good profitability in the coming quarters.

Insurance companies also contributed positively with good development for bonds from Tryg and Gjensidige, among others. Both companies reported good profitability thanks to low claims ratios and implemented increases in premiums.

Some negative impact on the performance came from fixed-rate bonds, which retreated as a result of rising market interest rates. During the month, the fund participated in new issuances from Hoist Finance and Gjensidige.

Gustav Fransson

Portfolio manager

Gustav Fransson

Portfolio manager

IMPORTANT INFORMATION. This is a marketing communication. Before making any final investment decisions, please refer to the prospectus of Coeli SICAV I, its Annual Report, and the KID of the relevant Sub-Fund. Relevant information documents are available in English at coeli.com. A summary of investor rights will be available at https://coeli.com/financial-and-legal-information/. Past performance is not a guarantee of future returns. The price of the investment may go up or down and an investor may not get back the amount originally invested. Please note that the management company of the fund may decide to terminate the arrangements made for the marketing of the fund in one or multiple jurisdictions in which there exists arrangements for marketing.

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