
We believe in sound business. Sound entrepreneurship in an efficient capital market provides a solid foundation for economic growth, which is a prerequisite for sustainable development. A development where people and societies can thrive.

Focus on Value Creation

We invest where we see the greatest potential for value creation, based on strong conviction. As such, we make thorough analyses that include long-term sustainability matters.

We advise our clients based on their goals, needs, and circumstances, taking their sustainability preferences into account.

We strive to constantly develop, improve and share what we do with our clients to contribute to more value. We seek to broaden our perspectives so that we put our focus where we can make a positive impact.

Our Mission

As active investors, asset managers, and advisors, our mission is to:

Deliver strong returns in our clients’ portfolios. We achieve this from our ability to evaluate performance, assess investment opportunities and make well-informed decisions.

Make successful investments accessible to everyone. It is crucial that we continue to focus on our clients' goals, ambitions, and preferences.

Offer an attractive platform for entrepreneurs in the financial industry. Our committed and dedicated teams working with insight into the entire value chain create an ecosystem for our investors, partners, clients, and employees.

Share innovation, development, knowledge and insights. We succeed when we create new methods, see new opportunities, solve problems, are generous, and humble.

Our Processes

Our investment teams work with a high degree of independence, driven by conviction, strategy, asset class, and geographic market. Through our shared approach:

  • We consider material sustainability matters alongside financial factors in our analyses and investment processes.
  • We engage through dialogue, advocacy, and/or voting.
  • We refrain from investing in weapons restricted by international conventions.

In our strategy-specific approach, our investment teams focus on specific themes and topics such as e.g., energy transition, renewable energy, corporate governance, gender equality, education, or water supply.

Our Framework

Our Sustainable Investing Policy applies to all our investment teams. The framework contains our Shared approach, each team’s Strategy-specific approach, and our Sustainable Investing Council.

Our Activities

We continuously work to develop, improve, and share our contributions to value creation. We want to widen our perspectives so that we focus on the areas where we can contribute the most.

Council on Sustainable Investments

Coeli’s investment teams addresses critical issues concerning sustainable investments, trends, developments, initiatives, and collaborations.


A collaboration between Coeli’s employees with purpose to strengthen our organization and sound business practices, as well as discuss how we can contribute to our society.

Impact & Development

Value creating collaborations contributing to increasing knowledge and competence.

    Coeli PM Grill

    A client forum where Coeli’s investment teams share their insights and investment beliefs.

    Networks & Collaborations

    Sustainability-related disclosures

    Find Coeli’s Sustainable Investing Policy and related documents as well as information about our funds.

      Read more here

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      Coeli may, pursuant to law, market one or multiple funds in several jurisdictions. By choosing an option in the list below, you confirm that you belong to one of these.

      Den sammanfattande riskindikatorn ger en vägledning om risknivån för denna produkt jämfört med andra produkter. Den visar hur troligt det är att produkten kommer att sjunka i värde på grund av marknadsutvecklingen. Indikatorn speglar framför allt upp- och nedgångar i de aktier fonden placerat i. Denna produkt innehåller inte något skydd mot framtida marknadsresultat. Du kan därför förlora hela eller delar av din investering. Förutom de risker som ingår i riskindikatorn kan andra risker påverka fondens resultat. Se fondens fondbestämmelse för mer information.

      Morningstars fondbetyg (rating) är ett mått som går att använda för att se hur fonderna har presterat historiskt. Fonden får ett högre betyg om den har haft en bra avkastning i förhållande till fondens risknivå. En fond måste ha funnits i minst 3 år för att få ett totalt betyg. Har fonden funnits längre än 5 och 10 år får dessutom betyg för dessa tidsperioder. Morningstars hållbarhetsbetyg är ett mått på de ekonomiskt väsentliga riskerna inom miljö, socialt och ägarfrågor (ESG) i en portfölj relativt till liknande konkurrerande portföljer. Hållbarhetsbetyget beräknas för fonder, förvaltningsuppdrag och index globalt, med hjälp av Morningstars databas med portföljinnehav.